KlaarSmithDesign in the press!
Have you seen this?!
I am absolutely over the moon! KlaarSmithDesign is featured in the December 2021 Christmas issue of The English Garden! On page 20 you can find my Large drop Mistletoe statement earrings in the 'Gifts for all' section.
This is such a big moment for me and my brand, after all the hard work that I've put in over the past years. I'm so grateful to The English Garden that they've chosen my earrings, and I hope many people will enjoy them too. It's easy to sit in my studio all day and come up with ideas and creating jewellery. Having this press attention gives me another opportunity to connect me with my customers and potential customers. And it feels like an acknowledgement that what I do should be out there and should be seen.
So, I'm celebrating this and I hope this is the first one in a long line of press coverage.
Klaar x

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