The last month of the year is here. And what a year it’s been!
Are you starting to look back at all yet, or are you only focussing on the future? And despite everything 2020 has thrown at you, were there unexpected positive things you’ve experienced?
Although I can’t wait for this year to be over, I can’t stop myself looking back at everything that has happened. Both personally and globally. There have been so many unforeseen changes, possibly too many to deal with in one go. Do you have that same feeling?
I think it’s a year in which everyone has suffered on some level. A year in which it’s possibly even more important than ever to be grateful for what we have. And yet also a year in which at times that has been difficult to do. At least that’s what my experience has been. I like to think I’ve always been very grateful for what I have. But it’s also important to work hard to achieve more. For others and yourself. This year I’ve often felt overwhelmed by everything and at times it seemed only more unexpected tough times were piling on. No matter how hard you work for it. So, in many ways it hasn’t turned out the year of opportunities I had hoped for. Leaving a job and starting a new business is never easy. Doing this during a pandemic. I just can’t find the right words for it.
But here we are. December. The last month of the year. And it’s important to think of the positive things to finish this year and start 2021 with. There will be a whole new year, but the world doesn’t change overnight. Of course the best news we’ve all had this week is that there is a vaccine. And that is something we can all look forward to for next year. We need to hang in a while longer, but the road to some sort of normal is here! How fantastic is that!
The world has changed and everyone has had to adapt to this. And with that new opportunities we never thought about have opened up. That is something to get excited about. New jobs, meeting people we otherwise would have never met, new and existing friendships becoming closer than they otherwise would have.
And of course spending so much time with my lovely cat Biscuit has been wonderful! There’s nothing more relaxing and calming than watching that cutie having a nap :-)
I hope everyone has some positive experiences to look back on for 2020 and to start 2021 with. Please share them in the comments, so we can end and begin with some positive vibes.
Thanks! Klaar x
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